Railway Asset Detection, 
Formation of the Inventory List


Typical objects found in railroad environments:
  - Sign
  - Ballast 
  - Tie 
  - Balise 
  - Switch motor 
  - Signal pole
  - Axle counter
  - Rail
  - Catenary
  - Tunnel
  - Bridge
  - ATS
  - Level Crossings 

Old-Fashioned Asset Classification

How is inventory management done in railways in the current situation? 

- The railway is being taken out of service. 

- The assets are counted by the persons in charge on a catenary maintanence vehicle which moves slowly on the railway, and the location of the asset is marked with a GNSS receiver. 

- If the total length of the line is small, it's okay, but when it's more than 5000km, it becomes a very laborious job. The total line length of TCDD is 12,780 km. Closing and inventorying the line is a costly and time-consuming task. 

- That's why our client is very interested in the TVISION project we propose.